Forney is a business-friendly community, and we provide a variety of financial incentives, as well other financing options through the State of Texas and Kaufman County, for new, expanding, or relocating companies. Forney EDC is prepared to provide the needed guidance and assistance to facilitate the process and ensure that your company is successful in Forney. Please reach out to us at (972) 552-6465 to get started.
As a part of completing your FEDC/local application submittal (see incentives below), provide additional project information via the link below. Upon completion and submittal of the requested information, it will be included with your application:
The Forney EDC supports local business owners enhancing and updating the aesthetic appearance of their store front to maintain quality of place.
The Forney EDC Supports broader redevelopment projects aimed at revitalizing underutilized areas, involving larger financial commitments and more extensive improvements to stimulate comprehensive economic growth.
The Forney EDC supports small businesses expanding into the Forney City Limits. This program is available to businesses owners with one or more existing locations.
This competitive grant program aimed at attracting new businesses to the community, including businesses relocating from other areas or newly established enterprises.
The Forney EDC is seeking businesses that will create jobs over the median Kaufman County wage. We provide incentives to support industrial and commercial job creation.
Chapter 380 of the Texas Local Government Code allows Forney to offer a range of incentives for economic development, including the ability to rebate some of the city's portion of the 1.0% sales and use tax collected from business entities located in the jurisdiction.
Qualifying businesses considering locate in Forney or Kaufman County have the opportunity to apply for a property tax abatement on new value created as a result of the project.
The Texas Enterprise Fund (TEF) provides financial grants to companies choosing between a Texas location and an out-of-state site for new projects. These grants help secure significant investments and job creation in Texas.
The Events Trust Funds program applies local and state gains from sales and use, auto rental, hotel, and alcoholic beverage taxes generated over a specified period of time. Eligible events are not restricted to sports, but the venue must have been selected through a highly competitive selection process.
The Governor’s University Research Initiative grant program (GURI) has a goal to bring the best and brightest researchers in the world to the State of Texas. This program is a matching grant program to assist eligible institutions of higher education in recruiting distinguished researchers.
The Texas Enterprise Zone Program (EZP) is a state sales and use tax refund program designed to encourage private investment and job creation in economically distressed areas of the state.
The objective of the Texas Small Business Credit Initiative (TSBCI) is to support state programs that provide resources to assist small business growth and create new jobs through increased access to small business funding. In addition, the program will assist small businesses that are traditionally marginalized and those that have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The TSBCI is expected to be allocated more than $472 million and the State of Texas is focused on staying apprised of the latest program information released by the U.S. Department of the Treasury.
The Skills Development Fund is Texas' premier job-training program providing local customized training opportunities for Texas businesses and workers to increase skill levels and wages of the Texas workforce. The Texas Workforce Commission administers funding for the program. Success is achieved through collaboration among businesses, public community and technical colleges, Workforce Development Boards and economic development partners.
The JETI Act is a new competitive economic incentive program used to attract large, capital-intensive economic development projects, bringing new capital investment and creating new, high-paying jobs in Texas communities.
The TSIF may be used to match funding to state entities, such as institutions of higher education, for semiconductor research, design and manufacturing projects; and for grants to business entities with an established presence within the state of Texas to encourage economic development related to semiconductor manufacturing and design.
Under the American Rescue Plan, The U.S. Economic Development Administration's (EDA) was allocated $3 billion in supplemental funding to assist communities nationwide in their efforts to build back better by accelerating the economic recovery from the coronavirus pandemic and building local economies that will be resilient to future economic shocks.
American Rescue Plan funding enables EDA to provide larger, more transformational investments across the nation while utilizing its greatest strengths, including flexible funding to support community-led economic development.
With an emphasis on equity, EDA investments made under the American Rescue Plan will directly benefit previously underserved communities impacted by COVID-19.
EDA has a long history of successfully supporting disaster recovery and resiliency efforts. EDA's role in disaster recovery is to facilitate the timely and effective delivery of Federal economic development assistance to support long-term community economic recovery planning and project implementation, redevelopment and resilience.
SBA provides limited small business grants.
SBA provides low-interest disaster loans to help businesses and homeowners recover from declared disasters.