
Forney is home to a vibrant and highly qualified workforce, providing employers with a ready talent pool of over 1.4 million workers within a 35-minute commute due to our community’s steady rise in population, as well as our strategic location in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex.  Our highest concentrations of talent span both blue and white collar professions.  This includes technology, engineering, healthcare, distribution and manufacturing.

Diversity Graph
Largest Industries in Forney

Meeting the region’s current and future workforce needs is critical to the long-term growth and success of our city, so Forney EDC takes an active role in facilitating and developing our next generation of talent, forecasting future skills gaps, and preparing for the customized needs of area employers through demand-driven education, relevant training initiatives, and continuing education.

Talent Development

With one of the fastest-growing school districts in Texas, Forney Independent School District passed an impressive $623 million facilities bond issue in 2019. Plans include the 2024 opening of Keith Bell College & Career Center, a restaurant for the district’s culinary arts program, and expansion of the school system’s agriculture and welding/fabrication facilities.

The district is also partnering with Kaufman County by providing 15-acres for a $3.8 million Emergency Services Center to be located next to North Forney High School. The Center will offer internships and provide education and public safety training programs for law enforcement and first responders.

Hands-On with CTE

The district also offers workforce training through its CTE programs, including hands-on STEM, health science, electrical, and welding trades, providing students with real-life experience, such as welding custom commercial barbecue smokers for Moberg Smokers or putting engineering skills to the test by redesigning and repairing scientific calculators using 3D printers to create new parts.

Forney ISD CTE Program Class

Higher Educational Options

As part of the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex, Forney students have access to a wide choice of respected community colleges and some of the top-tier four-year universities in the country.

Workforce Training Programs

The Texas Skills Development Fund & Skills for Small Business initiatives (Texas Workforce Commission) provide local, customized training and funding opportunities for new and expanding businesses through Trinity Valley Community College, Eastfield College, and Texas State Technical College.

Eastfield College and Texas Tech University recently announced a partnership with Forney ISD also provide students the opportunity to earn a degree at a Tier 1 University, all in Forney.