Who Can Apply?
Texas communities must nominate companies for Enterprise Zone designation.
Companies must meet capital investment thresholds and create or retain jobs for economically disadvantaged individuals, zone residents, or veterans.
Refunds on state sales and use tax for qualified expenditures, based on investment and job creation.
Refunds are administered by the Texas Comptroller and are available for up to 5 years.
Capital Investment Levels and Maximum Refunds:
Half Enterprise Project: $40,000 - $5M investment, up to $625,000 refund.
Enterprise Project: $5M - $150M investment, up to $1.25M refund.
Double Jumbo Project: $150M - $250M investment, up to $2.5M refund.
Triple Jumbo Project: $250M+ investment, up to $3.75M refund.
Eligibility Details
Jobs must meet local wage standards and be full-time.
A percentage of new employees must be economically disadvantaged, zone residents, or veterans.
Designation limits: larger communities (9 per biennium), smaller (6 per biennium), statewide (105 per biennium).
Applications are accepted quarterly with specific deadlines.
Late applications are not accepted.
Key Deadlines (FY 24-25)
Quarterly deadlines: March 1, June 3, September 1, December 1.
Designation lasts up to 5 years; job commitments must be met within this period.
This simplified guide covers the essentials of the EZP, helping companies understand how they can benefit from the program.